Zlatý glóbus za najlepšiu réžiu
Zlatý glóbus za najlepšiu réžiu udeľuje Hollywoodska asociácia zahraničných novinárov (HFPA) na ceremónii Zlatých glóbusov. Historicky prvým držiteľom bol režisér Henry King.

V počtu cien drží rekord legendárny Elia Kazan[1], ktorý premenil všetky štyri nominácie na Zlatý glóbus. Hneď za ním s tromi výhrami sú Clint Eastwood[2], David Lean[3], Miloš Forman[4] a Oliver Stone[5]. Stone dokonca vyhrál v priebehu piatich rokov. Steven Spielberg[6] získal najviac nominácií (desať), ale vyhrál len dvakrát. Robert Wise[7] bol nominovaný na najlepšieho režiséra celkom päťkrát, ale nevyhral ani raz. Barbra Streisand je jedinou ženou odmenenou v tejto kategórii[8].
Víťazi a nominovaní
1943 – 1950
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1943 | Henry King* | - | The Song of Bernadette |
1944 | Leo McCarey** | Farár u sv. Dominika | Going My Way |
1945 | Billy Wilder** | Stratený víkend | The Lost Weekend |
1946 | Frank Capra* | Život je krásny | It's a Wonderful Life |
1947 | Elia Kazan ** | Džentlemanská dohoda | Gentleman's Agreement |
1948 | John Huston ** | Poklad na Sierra Madre | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre |
1949 | Robert Rossen* | Všetci kráľovi ľudia | All the King's Men |
William Wyler * | Dedička | The Heiress | |
1950 | Billy Wilder* | Sunset Boulevard | Sunset Boulevard |
John Huston* | Asfaltová džungľa | The Asphalt Jungle | |
Joseph L. Mankiewicz ** | Všetko o Eve | All About Eve | |
George Cukor* | - | Born Yesterday | |
1951 – 1960
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1951 | László Benedek | Smrť obchodného cestujúceho | Death of a Salesman |
Vincente Minnelli | Američan v Paríži | An American in Paris | |
George Stevens** | - | A Place in the Sun | |
1952 | Cecil B. DeMille * | Najväčšia show sveta | The Greatest Show on Earth |
Richard Fleischer | - | The Happy Time | |
John Ford** | Tichý muž | The Quiet Man | |
1953 | Fred Zinnemann ** | Odtiaľto až na večnosť | From Here to Eternity |
1954 | Elia Kazan ** | V prístave | On the Waterfront |
1955 | Joshua Logan * | Piknik pri ceste | Picnic |
1956 | Elia Kazan | Baby Doll | Baby Doll |
Michael Anderson * | Cesta okolo sveta za osemdesiat dní | Around the World In 80 Days | |
Vincente Minnelli | Smäd po živote | Lust for Life | |
George Stevens** | Obor | Giant | |
King Vidor * | Vojna a mier | War and Peace | |
1957 | David Lean ** | Most cez rieku Kwai | The Bridge on the River Kwai |
Joshua Logan * | Sayonara | Sayonara | |
Sidney Lumet * | 12 rozhnevaných mužov | 12 Angry Men | |
Billy Wilder * | Svedok obžaloby | Witness for the Prosecution | |
Fred Zinnemann | - | A Hatful of Rain | |
1958 | Vincente Minnelli ** | Gigi | Gigi |
Richard Brooks * | Mačka na rozpálenej plechovej streche | Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | |
Stanley Kramer * | Útek v reťaziach | The Defiant Ones | |
Delbert Mann | Oddelené stoly | Separate Tables | |
Robert Wise * | Chcem žiť! | I Want to Live! | |
1959 | William Wyler ** | Ben Hur | Ben-Hur |
Stanley Kramer | Na brehu | On the Beach | |
Otto Preminger | Anatómia vraždy | Anatomy of a Murder | |
George Stevens * | Denník Anny Frankovej | The Diary of Anne Frank | |
Fred Zinnemann * | - | The Nun's Story | |
1960 | Jack Cardiff * | - | Sons and Lovers |
Richard Brooks | Elmer Gantry | Elmer Gantry | |
Stanley Kubrick | Spartakus | Spartacus | |
Billy Wilder** | Byt | The Apartment | |
Fred Zinnemann * | - | The Sundowners | |
1961 – 1970
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1961 | Stanley Kramer * | Norimberský proces | Judgment at Nuremberg |
Anthony Mann | El Cid - Najväčší španielsky hrdina | El Cid | |
Jerome Robbins **, Robert Wise ** | West Side Story | West Side Story | |
J. Lee Thompson * | Delá z Navarone | The Guns of Navarone | |
William Wyler | - | The Children's Hour | |
1962 | David Lean ** | Lawrence z Arábie | Lawrence of Arabia |
Morton DaCosta | Obchodník s hudbou | The Music Man | |
Blake Edwards | Dni vína a ruží | Days of Wine and Roses | |
John Frankenheimer | Mandžuský kandidát | The Manchurian Candidate | |
John Huston | Freud | Freud | |
Mervyn LeRoy | Gypsy | Gypsy | |
Stanley Kubrick | Lolita | Lolita | |
Robert Mulligan * | Ako zabiť vtáčika | To Kill a Mockingbird | |
George Cukor | - | The Chapman Report | |
Martin Ritt | - | Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man | |
Ismael Rodríguez | - | Los Hermanos Del Hierro | |
1963 | Elia Kazan * | - | America, America |
George Englund | Ošklivý Američan | The Ugly American | |
Joseph L. Mankiewicz | Kleopatra | Cleopatra | |
Otto Preminger * | Kardinál | The Cardinal | |
Tony Richardson ** | Tom Jones | Tom Jones | |
Martin Ritt * | Hud | Hud | |
Robert Wise | Strašenie | The Haunting | |
Hall Bartlett | - | The Caretakers | |
1964 | George Cukor ** | My Fair Lady | My Fair Lady |
Michael Cacoyannis * | Grék Zorba | Alexis Zorbas | |
Peter Glenville * | Becket | Becket | |
John Frankenheimer | - | Seven Days in May | |
John Huston | - | The Night of the Iguana | |
1965 | David Lean * | Doktor Živago | Doctor Zhivago |
Guy Green | - | A Patch of Blue | |
John Schlesinger * | - | Darling | |
Robert Wise ** | - | The Sound of Music | |
William Wyler * | - | The Collector | |
1966 | Fred Zinnemann ** | - | A Man for All Seasons |
Lewis Gilbert | Alfie | Alfie | |
Claude Lelouch * | Muž a žena | Un homme et une femme | |
Mike Nichols * | Kto sa bojí Virginie Woolfovej? | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | |
Robert Wise | - | The Sand Pebbles | |
1967 | Mike Nichols ** | Absolvent | The Graduate |
Stanley Kramer * | Hádaj, kto príde na večeru | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | |
Arthur Penn * | Bonnie a Clyde | Bonnie and Clyde | |
Norman Jewison * | - | In the Heat of the Night | |
Mark Rydell | - | The Fox | |
1968 | Paul Newman | Rachel, Rachel | Rachel, Rachel |
Anthony Harvey * | Lev v zime | The Lion in Winter | |
Carol Reed ** | Oliver! | Oliver! | |
Franco Zeffirelli * | Rómeo a Júlia | Romeo and Juliet | |
William Wyler | Funny Girl | Funny Girl | |
1969 | Charles Jarrott | Tisíc dní s Annou | Anne of the Thousand Days |
Gene Kelly | Hello, Dolly! | Hello, Dolly! | |
Sydney Pollack * | Kone sa taktiež strieľajú | They Shoot Horses, Don't They? | |
John Schlesinger ** | Polnočný kovboj | Midnight Cowboy | |
Stanley Kramer | - | The Secret of Santa Vittoria | |
1970 | Arthur Hiller * | Love Story | Love Story |
Robert Altman * | MASH | MASH | |
Franklin J. Schaffner ** | Generál Patton | Patton | |
Ken Russell * | - | Women in Love | |
Bob Rafelson | - | Five Easy Pieces | |
1971 – 1980
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1971 | William Friedkin ** | Francúzska spojka | The French Connection |
Stanley Kubrick * | Mechanický pomaranč | A Clockwork Orange | |
Peter Bogdanovich * | - | The Last Picture Show | |
Norman Jewison * | - | Fiddler on the Roof | |
Robert Mulligan | - | Summer of '42 | |
1972 | Francis Ford Coppola * | Krstný otec | The Godfather |
John Boorman * | Vyslobodenie | Deliverance | |
Bob Fosse ** | Kabaret | Cabaret | |
Alfred Hitchcock | Frenzy | Frenzy | |
Billy Wilder | Nebožtíci žičia láske | Avanti! | |
1973 | William Friedkin * | Exorcista | The Exorcist |
Bernardo Bertolucci * | Posledné tango v Paríži | Last Tango in Paris | |
George Lucas * | Americké graffiti | American Graffiti | |
Fred Zinnemann | Šakal | The Day of the Jackal | |
Peter Bogdanovich | - | Paper Moon | |
1974 | Roman Polanski * | Čínska štvrť | Chinatown |
Francis Ford Coppola | Rozhovor | The Conversation | |
Francis Ford Coppola ** | Krstný otec II | The Godfather Part II | |
Bob Fosse * | Lenny | Lenny | |
John Cassavetes * | - | A Woman Under the Influence | |
1975 | Miloš Forman ** | Prelet nad kukučím hniezdom | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest |
Robert Altman * | Nashville | Nashville | |
Stanley Kubrick * | Barry Lyndon | Barry Lyndon | |
Steven Spielberg | Čeľuste | Jaws | |
Sidney Lumet * | - | Dog Day Afternoon | |
1976 | Sidney Lumet * | Network | Network |
John G. Avildsen ** | Rocky | Rocky | |
Alan J. Pakula * | Všetci prezidentovi muži | All the President's Men | |
John Schlesinger | Maratónec | Marathon Man | |
Hal Ashby | - | Bound for Glory | |
1977 | Herbert Ross * | Rozhodujúci okamih | The Turning Point |
Woody Allen ** | Annie Hall | Annie Hall | |
George Lucas * | Hviezdne vojny IV – Nová nádej | Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope | |
Steven Spielberg * | Blízke stretnutie tretieho druhu | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | |
Fred Zinnemann * | Júlia | Julia | |
1978 | Michael Cimino ** | Lovec jeleňov | The Deer Hunter |
Woody Allen * | Interiéry | Interiors | |
Hal Ashby * | Návrat domov | Coming Home | |
Terrence Malick | Nebeské dni | Days of Heaven | |
Paul Mazursky | Rozvedená žena | An Unmarried Woman | |
Alan Parker * | Polnočný expres | Midnight Express | |
1979 | Francis Ford Coppola * | Apocalypse Now | Apocalypse Now |
Hal Ashby | Bol som pri tom | Being There | |
Robert Benton ** | Kramerová verzus Kramer | Kramer vs. Kramer | |
James Bridges | Čínsky syndróm | The China Syndrome | |
Peter Yates * | A čo ďalej... | Breaking Away | |
1980 | Robert Redford ** | Obyčajní ľudia | Ordinary People |
David Lynch * | Sloní muž | The Elephant Man | |
Roman Polanski * | Tess | Tess | |
Richard Rush * | V roli kaskadéra | The Stunt Man | |
Martin Scorsese * | Zúriaci býk | Raging Bull | |
1981 – 1990
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1981 | Warren Beatty ** | Červení | Reds |
Miloš Forman | Ragtime | Ragtime | |
Louis Malle * | Atlantic City | Atlantic City | |
Mark Rydell * | Na Zlatom jazere | On Golden Pond | |
Steven Spielberg * | Dobyvatelia stratenej archy | Raiders of the Lost Ark | |
Sidney Lumet | - | Prince of the City | |
1982 | Richard Attenborough ** | Gándhí | Gandhi |
Costa-Gavras | Nezvestný | Missing | |
Sidney Lumet * | Rozsudok | The Verdict | |
Sydney Pollack * | Tootsie | Tootsie | |
Steven Spielberg * | E.T. – Mimozemšťan | E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial | |
1983 | Barbra Streisand | Jentl | Yentl |
Ingmar Bergman * | Fanny a Alexander | Fanny och Alexander | |
James L. Brooks ** | Cena za nežnosť | Terms of Endearment | |
Mike Nichols * | Silkwoodová | Silkwood | |
Peter Yates * | Garderobiér | The Dresser | |
Bruce Beresford * | - | Tender Mercies | |
1984 | Miloš Forman ** | Amadeus | Amadeus |
Francis Ford Coppola | The Cotton Club | Cotton Club | |
Roland Joffé * | Vražedné polia | The Killing Fields | |
Sergio Leone | Vtedy v Amerike | Once Upon a Time in America | |
David Lean * | Cesta do Indie | A Passage to India | |
1985 | John Huston * | Česť rodiny Prizziovcov | Prizzi's Honor |
Richard Attenborough | A Chorus Line | A Chorus Line | |
Sydney Pollack ** | Spomienky na Afriku | Out of Africa | |
Steven Spielberg | Purpurová farba | The Color Purple | |
Peter Weir * | Svedok | Witness | |
1986 | Oliver Stone ** | Čata | Platoon |
Woody Allen * | Hana a jej sestry | Hannah and Her Sisters | |
James Ivory * | Izba s vyhliadkou | A Room with a View | |
Roland Joffé * | Misia | The Mission | |
Rob Reiner | Pri mne stoj! | Stand by Me | |
1987 | Bernardo Bertolucci ** | Posledný cisár | The Last Emperor |
John Boorman * | Nádej a sláva | Hope and Glory | |
James L. Brooks | Vysielame správy | Broadcast News | |
Adrian Lyne * | Osudová príťažlivosť | Fatal Attraction | |
Richard Attenborough | - | Cry Freedom | |
1988 | Clint Eastwood | Bird | Bird |
Barry Levinson ** | Rain Man | Rain Man | |
Sidney Lumet | Čas zastaviť sa | Running on Empty | |
Mike Nichols * | Podnikavé dievča | Working Girl | |
Alan Parker * | Horiace Mississippi | Mississippi Burning | |
Fred Schepisi | Výkrik do tmy | A Cry in the Dark | |
1989 | Oliver Stone ** | Narodený 4. júla | Born on the Fourth of July |
Spike Lee | Konaj správne | Do the Right Thing | |
Rob Reiner | Keď Harry stretol Sally | When Harry Met Sally | |
Peter Weir * | Spolok mŕtvych básnikov | Dead Poets Society | |
Edward Zwick | Glory | Glory | |
1990 | Kevin Costner | Tanec s vlkmi | Dances with Wolves |
Bernardo Bertolucci | Nebo, čo nás chráni | The Sheltering Sky | |
Francis Ford Coppola * | Krstný otec III | The Godfather Part III | |
Barbet Schroeder * | Zvrat Šťasteny | Reversal of Fortune | |
Martin Scorsese * | Mafiáni | Goodfellas | |
1991 – 2000
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
1991 | Oliver Stone * | JFK | JFK |
Jonathan Demme ** | Mlčanie jahniat | The Silence of the Lambs | |
Terry Gilliam | Kráľ rybár | The Fisher King | |
Barry Levinson * | Bugsy | Bugsy | |
Barbra Streisand | Pán prílivu | The Prince of Tides | |
1992 | Clint Eastwood ** | Nezmieriteľní | Unforgiven |
Rob Reiner | Zopár správnych chlapov | A Few Good Men | |
James Ivory * | Rodinné sídlo | Howards End | |
Robert Altman * | Hráč | The Player | |
Robert Redford | Kadiaľ tečie rieka | A River Runs Through It | |
1993 | Steven Spielberg ** | Schindlerov zoznam | Schindler's List |
Jane Campion * | Piano | The Piano | |
Andrew Davis | Utečenec | The Fugitive | |
James Ivory * | Súmrak dňa | The Remains of the Day | |
Martin Scorsese | Vek nevinnosti | The Age of Innocence | |
1994 | Robert Zemeckis ** | Forrest Gump | Forrest Gump |
Robert Redford * | Quiz Show | Quiz Show | |
Oliver Stone | Takí normálni zabijaci | Natural Born Killers | |
Quentin Tarantino * | Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvetia | Pulp Fiction | |
Edward Zwick | Legenda o vášni | Legends of the Fall | |
1995 | Mel Gibson ** | Statočné srdce | Braveheart |
Mike Figgis * | Zanechať Las Vegas | Leaving Las Vegas | |
Ron Howard | Apollo 13 | Apollo 13 | |
Ang Lee | Rozum a cit | Sense and Sensibility | |
Rob Reiner | Americký prezident | The American President | |
Martin Scorsese | Kasíno | Casino | |
1996 | Miloš Forman * | Ľud verzus Larry Flynt | The People vs. Larry Flynt |
Joel Coen * | Fargo | Fargo | |
Scott Hicks * | Žiara | Shine | |
Anthony Minghella ** | Anglický pacient | The English Patient | |
Alan Parker | Evita | Evita | |
1997 | James Cameron ** | Titanic | Titanic |
Steven Spielberg | Amistad | Amistad | |
James L. Brooks | Tak dobre ako sa len dá | As Good as It Gets | |
Jim Sheridan | Boxer | The Boxer | |
Curtis Hanson * | L. A. – Utajené skutočnosti | L.A. Confidential | |
1998 | Steven Spielberg ** | Zachráňte vojaka Ryana | Saving Private Ryan |
Shekhar Kapur | Kráľovná Alžbeta | Elizabeth | |
John Madden * | Zamilovaný Shakespeare | Shakespeare in Love | |
Robert Redford | Zaklínač koní | The Horse Whisperer | |
Peter Weir * | Truman Show | The Truman Show | |
1999 | Sam Mendes ** | Americká krása | American Beauty |
Norman Jewison | Hurikán v ringu | The Hurricane | |
Neil Jordan | Hranice lásky | The End of the Affair | |
Michael Mann * | Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa | The Insider | |
Anthony Minghella | Talentovaný pán Ripley | The Talented Mr. Ripley | |
2000 | Ang Lee * | Tiger a drak | Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Ridley Scott * | Gladiátor | Gladiator | |
Steven Soderbergh * | Erin Brockovich | Erin Brockovich | |
Steven Soderbergh ** | Traffic – Nadvláda gangov | Traffic | |
István Szabó | Slunečný svit | Sunshine | |
2001 – 2010
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
2001 | Robert Altman * | Gosford Park | Gosford Park |
Ron Howard ** | Čistá duša | A Beautiful Mind | |
Peter Jackson * | Pán prsteňov: Spoločenstvo Prsteňa | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | |
Baz Luhrmann | Moulin Rouge | Moulin Rouge! | |
David Lynch * | Mulholland Drive | Mulholland Drive | |
Steven Spielberg | A.I. Umelá inteligencia | A.I. Artificial Intelligence | |
2002 | Martin Scorsese * | Gangy New Yorku | Gangs of New York |
Alexander Payne | Schmidtov príbeh | About Schmidt | |
Spike Jonze | Adaptácia | Adaptation. | |
Rob Marshall * | Chicago | Chicago | |
Stephen Daldry * | Hodiny | The Hours | |
Peter Jackson | Pán prsteňov: Dve veže | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | |
2003 | Peter Jackson ** | Pán prsteňov: Návrat kráľa | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King |
Sofia Coppola * | Stratené v preklade | Lost in Translation | |
Clint Eastwood * | Tajomná rieka | Mystic River | |
Anthony Minghella | Návrat do Cold Mountain | Cold Mountain | |
Peter Weir * | Master & Commander: Odvrátená strana sveta | Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World | |
2004 | Clint Eastwood ** | Million Dollar Baby | Million Dollar Baby |
Marc Forster | Hľadanie Krajiny - Nekrajiny | Finding Neverland | |
Mike Nichols | Na dotyk | Closer | |
Alexander Payne * | Bokovka | Sideways | |
Martin Scorsese * | Letec | The Aviator | |
2005 | Ang Lee ** | Skrotená hora | Brokeback Mountain |
Woody Allen | Match Point – Hra osudu | Match Point | |
George Clooney * | Dobrú noc a veľa šťastia | Good Night, and Good Luck. | |
Peter Jackson | King Kong | King Kong | |
Fernando Meirelles | Nepohodlný | The Constant Gardener | |
Steven Spielberg * | Mníchov | Munich | |
2006 | Martin Scorsese ** | Skrytá identita | The Departed |
Clint Eastwood | Zástavy našich otcov | Flags of Our Fathers | |
Clint Eastwood * | Listy z Iwo Jima | Letters from Iwo Jima | |
Stephen Frears * | Kráľovná | The Queen | |
Alejandro González Iñárritu * | Babel | Babel | |
2007 | Julian Schnabel * | Skafander a motýľ | The Diving Bell and the Butterfly |
Tim Burton | Sweeney Todd: Čertovský holič z Fleet Street | Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street | |
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen ** | Táto krajina nie je pre starých | No Country for Old Men | |
Ridley Scott | Americký gangster | American Gangster | |
Joe Wright | Pokánie | Atonement | |
2008 | Danny Boyle ** | Milionár z chatrče | Slumdog Millionaire |
Stephen Daldry * | Predčítač | The Reader | |
David Fincher * | Podivný prípad Benjamina Buttona | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | |
Ron Howard * | Duel Frost/Nixon | Frost / Nixon | |
Sam Mendes | Núdzový východ | Revolutionary Road | |
2009 | James Cameron * | Avatar | Avatar |
Kathryn Bigelowová ** | Smrť čaká všade | The Hurt Locker | |
Clint Eastwood | Invictus | Invictus | |
Jason Reitman * | Lietam v tom | Up in the Air | |
Quentin Tarantino * | Nehanební bastardi | Inglourious Basterds | |
2010 | David Fincher * | Sociálna sieť | The Social Network |
Darren Aronofsky * | Čierna labuť | Black Swan | |
Tom Hooper ** | Kráľova reč | The King's Speech | |
Christopher Nolan | Počiatok | Inception | |
David O. Russell * | Fighter | The Fighter | |
2011 – 2020
Rok | Režisér | Film (slovenský názov) | Film (originálny názov) |
2011 | Martin Scorsese | Hugo a jeho veľký objav | Hugo |
Michel Hazanavicius | Umelec | The Artist | |
Alexander Payne | Deti moje | The Descendants | |
George Clooney | Deň zrady | The Ides of March | |
Woody Allen | Polnoc v Paríži | Midnight in Paris | |
2012 | Ben Affleck | Argo: Nebezpečný útek | Argo |
Quentin Tarantino | Divoký Django | Django Unchained | |
Ang Lee | Pí a jeho život | Life of Pi | |
Steven Spielberg | Lincoln | Lincoln | |
Kathryn Bigelow | 30 minút po polnoci | Zero Dark Thirty | |
2013 | Alfonso Cuarón ** | Gravitácia | Gravity |
Steve McQueen | 12 rokov otrokom | 12 Years a Slave | |
David O. Russell | Špinavý trik | American Hustle | |
Paul Greengrass | Kapitán Phillips: Prepadnutie lode Alabama | Captain Phillips | |
Alexander Payne | Nebraska | Nebraska | |
2014 | Richard Linklater ** | Chlapčenstvo | Boyhood |
Alejandro G. Iñárritu | Birdman | Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) | |
David Fincher | Stratené dievča | Gone Girl | |
Wes Anderson | Grandhotel Budapešť | The Grand Budapest Hotel | |
Ava DuVernay | Selma | Selma | |
2015 | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | Revenant Zmŕtvychvstanie | The Revenant |
Todd Haynes | Carol | Carol | |
George Miller | Mad Max: Zbesilá cesta | Mad Max: Fury Road | |
Ridley Scott | Marťan | The Martian | |
Tom McCarthy | Spotlight | Spotlight | |
2016 | Damien Chazelle | La La Land | La La Land |
Mel Gibson | Hacksaw Ridge: Zrodenie hrdinu | Hacksaw Ridge | |
Barry Jenkins | Moonlight | Moonlight | |
Kenneth Lonergan | Miesto pri mori | Manchester by the Sea | |
Tom Ford | Nočné zvieratá | Nocturnal Animals | |
2017 | Guillermo del Toro | Podoba vody | The Shape of Water |
Ridley Scott | Všetky prachy sveta | All the Money in the World | |
Christopher Nolan | Dunkirk | Dunkirk | |
Steven Spielberg | The Post: Aféra v Pentagone | The Post | |
Martin McDonagh | Tri billboardy kúsok za Ebbingom | Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri | |
Cena sa udeľuje na začiatku roku a predstavuje úspech za počiny predošlého kalendárneho roku. Zoznam obsahuje režisérov, ktorí cenu vyhrali (zvýraznení sú tučne a na prvom mieste), a taktiež tých, ktorí boli na ňu nominovaní. Ďalej sú uvedené filmy, za ktoré boli ocenení / nominovaní. Ak má film distribučný názov, je uvedený pod ním. Hviezdička indikuje, že umelec bol nominovaný na Oscara; dve hviezdičky, že Oscara získal.
- Nominácie Elia Kazana http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/28804
- Nominácie Clinta Eastwooda http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/28601
- Nominácie Davida Leana http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/28670
- Nominácie Miloše Formana http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/29779
- Nominácie Olivera Stona http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/29834
- Nominácie Stevena Spielberga http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/30256
- Nominácie Roberta Wise http://www.goldenglobes.org/browse/member/30082
- KGB Question http://www.kgbanswers.com/who-was-the-first-woman-director-to-win-a-golden-globe-award/3906691
Externé odkazy
- Česko-Slovenská filmová databáza
- Hollywoodska asociácia zahraničných novinárov (po anglicky)
- Oscarová databáza(po anglicky)
- The Internet Movie Database (po anglicky)
- Neoficiálny zoznam držiteľov Zlatého glóbusu(po anglicky)