Michael Young

Michael Young, baron z Dartingtonu (9. srpna 191514. ledna 2002) byl britský sociolog a politik, který vytvořil pojem "meritokracie".

Michael Young
Narození9. srpna 1915
Úmrtí14. ledna 2002 (ve věku 86 let)
Místo pohřbeníhřbitov Highgate
Alma materLondýnská škola ekonomie
Dartington Hall School
Povolánípolitik a sociolog
ZaměstnavatelUniverzita v Cambridgi
OceněníAlbert Medal (1992)
Společník Britské akademie
Politická stranaLabouristická strana
ChoťJoan Lawson (od 1945)
Sasha Moorsom Young (od 1960)
Dorit Uhlemann (od 1995)
DětiToby Young
Gaia Inigo Young
Christopher Ivan Young
David Justin Young
Emma Dorothy Young
Sophie Ann Young
RodičeGibson Young a Edith Hermia Young
Funkcečlen Sněmovny lordů (1978–2002)
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.
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Michael Young se narodil v Manchesteru jako syn australského violisty a hudebního kritika a irské malířky a herečky. Do svých osmi let vyrůstal v Melbourne a do Anglie se vrátil těsně před rozvodem svých rodičů. Studoval ekonomii na London School of Economics a stal se advokátem.

Politická kariéra

Napsal satirické dílo The Rise of Meritocracy (1958), ve kterém zavedl pojem "meritokracie".

V roce 1978 mu byl udělen titul baron z Dartingtonu.


  • Will the War Make Us Poorer? [with Sir Henry Noel Young] (1943)
  • Civil Aviation (1944)
  • The Trial of Adolf Hitler (1944)
  • There's Work for All [with Theodor Prager] (1945)
  • Labour's Plan for Plenty (1947)
  • What is a Socialised Industry? (1947)
  • Small Man, Big World: A Discussion of Socialist Democracy (1949)
  • Fifty Million Unemployed (1952)
  • Study of the Extended Family in East London (1955)
  • Family and Kinship in East London [with Peter Willmott] (1957)
  • The Rise of the Meritocracy (1958)
  • Chipped White Cups of Dover: A Discussion of the Possibility of a New Progressive Party (1960)
  • Family and Class in a London Suburb [with Peter Willmott] (1960)
  • New Look at Comprehensive Schools [with Michael Armstrong] (1964)
  • Innovation and Research in Education (1967)
  • Forecasting and the Social Sciences [ed.] (1968)
  • Hornsey Plan: A Role for Neighbourhood Councils in the New Local Government (1971)
  • Is Equality a Dream? (1972)
  • Lifeline Telephone Service for the Elderly: An Account of a Pilot Project in Hull [with Peter G. Gregory] (1972)
  • Learning Begins at Home: A Study of a Junior School and its Parents [with Patrick McGeeney] (1973)
  • Symmetrical Family: A Study of Work and Leisure in the London Region [with Peter Willmott] (1973)
  • Mutual Aid in a Selfish Society: A Plea for Strengthening the Co-operative Movement [with Marianne Rigge] (1979)
  • Building Societies and the Consumer: A Report [with Marianne Rigge] (1981)
  • Report from Hackney: A Study of an Inner-City Area [with others] (1981)
  • The Elmhirsts of Dartington: The Creation of an Utopian Community (1982)
  • Inflation, Unemployment and the Remoralisation of Society (1982)
  • Up the Hill to Cowley Street: Views of Tawney Members on SDP Policy [ed. with Tony Flower and Peter Hall] (1982)
  • Revolution from Within: Cooperatives and Cooperation in British Industry [with Marianne Rigge] (1983)
  • Social Scientist as Innovator (1983)
  • To Merge or Not to Merge? (1983)
  • Development of New Growth Areas: Workers' Cooperatives and Their Environment: Comparative Analysis with a View to Job Creation: Support for Worker Cooperatives in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Netherlands [with Marianne Rigge] (1985)
  • Metronomic Society: Natural Rhythms and Human Timetables (1988)
  • Rhythms of society [ed. with Tom Schuller] (1988)
  • Campaign for Children's After-School Clubs: The Case for Action [with Matthew Owen] (1991)
  • Life After Work: The Arrival of the Ageless Society [with Tom Schuller, Johnston Birchall and Gwyneth Vernon) (1991)
  • Governing London [with Jerry White] (1996)
  • The New East End: Kinship, Race and Conflict [with Geoff Dench and Kate Gavron] (2006)



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