Thomas Merton Award
Thomas Merton Award je americké ocenenie organizácie Thomas Merton Center for Peace and Social Justice v Pittsburghu, USA. Je pomenované po kresťanskom mystikovi Thomasovi Mertonovi. Je každoročne udeľované jednotlivcom bojujúcim za sociálnu spravodlivosť ("national and international individuals struggling for justice").
- 1972: James P. Carroll
- 1973: Dorothy Day
- 1974: Dick Gregory
- 1975: Joan Baezová
- 1976: Hélder Câmara
- 1977: Dick Hughes
- 1978: John Harris Burt & James Malone
- 1979: Helen Caldicott
- 1980: William Winpisinger
- 1981: Poliaci
- 1982: Raymond Hunthausen
- 1983: neudělena
- 1984: Bernice Johnson Reagon
- 1985: Henri Nouwen
- 1986: Allan Boesak
- 1987: Miguel D'Escoto
- 1988: Daniel Berrigan
- 1989: Comrades of El Salvador & Elizabeth Linder
- 1990: Marian Wright Edelman
- 1991: Howard Zinn
- 1992: Molly Rush
- 1993: Lucius Walker
- 1994: Richard Rohr
- 1995: Marian Kramer
- 1996: Winona LaDuke
- 1997: Ron Chisom
- 1998: Studs Terkel
- 1999: Wendell Berry
- 2000: Ronald V. Dellums
- 2001: Joan Chittister
- 2002: Leontine T. Kelly
- 2003: Voices in the Wilderness
- 2004: Amy Goodman
- 2005: Roy Bourgeois
- 2006: Angela Davis
- 2007: Cindy Sheehan
- 2008: Malik Rahim
- 2009: Dennis Kucinich
- 2010: Noam Chomsky
- 2011: Vandana Shiva
- 2013: Martin Sheen
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