Sulioti (novogr. Σουλιώτες – Suliotes) bolo grécke obyvateľstvo, hovoriace prevažne po albánsky (v 19. stor. už značne grécizovaní)[1] . V minulosti žili v Epire, v jeho časti Thesprótia. Nezaberali však celú Thesprótiu, ale iba jej malú horskú časť s dedinou Suli (zvané grécky aj Kakosuli=Zlé Suli). Boli to výborní bojovníci, ktorí stále bojovali s Turkami. Často sú spojovaní s Arvanitmi, žijúcimi na juhu Grécka.

Pôvod a dejiny
Pôvod Suliotov nebol presne ujasnený. Môžu byť potomkovia Albáncov, ktorí sa v 16. storočí pred Turkami utiahli z rovín do horskej oblasti Suli a tu odolávali Turkom. Podľa iných historikov, Sulioti sú potomkovia Grékov, ktorí sa s Albáncami pomiešali keď spolu s nimi osídlili toto územie. Toto tvrdenie vysvetľujú tak, že nie je možné, aby oblasť Suli osídlili iba Albánci, keďže Suli bolo osídlené obyvateľmi z Thesprótie, kde väčšinu obyvateľstva tvorili Gréci, a kresťanských Albáncov tu nežilo veľa. Tento názor zastáva aj Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos. V 19. storočí už boli Sulioti značne pogréčtení, písali iba v gréčtine a sami sa pokladali za Grékov, keďže albánčina nebol písaný jazyk. V 19. storočí, teda v čase ich najväčšej slávy, ich bolo asi 12 000. Zúčastnili sa aj na bojoch v Gréckej vojne za nezávislosť. Známy grécky revolucionár Markos Botsaris bol tiež Suliot. Dnes sú ich dediny opustené a potomkovia Suliotov žijú vo väčších mestách, kde sa však už premiešali s ostatným gréckym obyvateľstvom a tak stratili svoju špecifickú identitu a aj albánsky jazyk.
- Ανάργυρος Φανγκρίδας. Σούλι - Το Ορμητήριο του Προεπαναστατικού Αγώνα. Αθήνα: Περισκόπιο, 2003.
- Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopecek. Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770-1945): The Formation of National Movements, Published by Central European University Press, 2006, ISBN 963732660X, 9789637326608 p. 173 "The Souliotes were Albanian by origin and Orthodox by faith"
* Giannēs Koliopoulos, John S. Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs. Greece: The Modern Sequel : from 1831 to the Present Edition: 2 Published by C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2004 ISBN 185065462X, 9781850654629 p. 184
* Eric Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality Edition: 2, Published by Cambridge University Press, 1992 ISBN 0521439612, 9780521439619 p. 65
* NGL Hammond, Epirus: the Geography, the Ancient Remains, the History and Topography of Epirus and Adjacent Areas, Published by Clarendon P., 1967, p. 31 "
* Clogg, Richard Minorities in Greece: Aspects of a Plural Society. Oxford: Hurst, 2002, p. 178. [Footnote] "The Souliotes were a warlike Albanian Christian community, which resisted Ali Pasha in Epirus in the years immediately preceding the outbreak the Greek War of Independence in 1821."
* Vickers, Miranda. The Albanians: A Modern History. I.B. Tauris, 1999, ISBN 1860645410, p. 20. "The Suliots, then numbering around 12,000, were Christian Albanians inhabiting a small independent community somewhat akin to tat of the Catholic Mirdite trive to the north
* Pappas, Nicholas. Greeks in Russian Military Service in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries. Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies. Monograph Series, No. 219, 1991, ISSN: 0073-862X.
* Fleming, Katherine Elizabeth. The Muslim Bonaparte: Diplomacy and Orientalism in Ali Pasha's Greece. Princeton University Press, 1999, ISBN 0691001944, p. 59. "The history of the Orthodox Albanian peoples of the mountain stronghold of Souli provides an example of such an overlap."
* Gerolymatos, André. The Balkan Wars: Conquest, Revolution, and Retribution from the Ottoman Era to the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Basic Books, 2002, ISBN 0465027326, p. 141. "The Suliot dance of death is an integral image of the Greek revolution and it has been seared into the consciousness of Greek schoolchildren for generations. Many youngsters pay homage to the memory of these Orthodox Albanians each year by recreating the event in their elementary school pageants."
* Darby, Henry Clifford and Great Britain Naval Intelligence Division. Greece. University Press, 1944. "...who belong to the Cham branch of south Albanian Tosks (see volume I, pp. 363-5). In the mid-eighteenth century these people (the Souliotes) were a semi-autonomous community..."
- Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopecek. Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770-1945): The Formation of National Movements, Published by Central European University Press, 2006, ISBN 963732660X, 9789637326608 p. 173 "The Souliotes were Albanian by origin and Orthodox by faith"