Mike Resnick
Mike Resnick, celý menom Michael Diamond Resnick (* 5. marec 1942, Chicago, Illinois, USA – † 9. január 2020[1]) bol americký spisovateľ science fiction a šéfredaktor časopisu Jim Baen's Universe.[2]
Mike Resnick | |||
americký spisovateľ scifi | |||
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Narodenie | 5. marec 1942 Chicago, Illinois, USA | ||
Úmrtie | 9. január 2020 (77 rokov) | ||
Alma mater | University of Chicago | ||
Manželka | Carol L. Cain (1961 -) | ||
Deti | Laura (* 1962) | ||
Odkazy | |||
Webstránka | mikeresnick.com | ||
Commons | ![]() | ||
Ako rodák z Chicaga navštevoval University of Chicago v rokoch 1959 až 1961. Tu spoznal aj svoju budúcu manželku Carol L. Cain[3] s ktorou sa vzali v roku 1961.
V období šesťdesiatych a sedemdesiatych rokoch napísal viac ako 200 "dospeláckych" románov (pod rôznymy pseudonym)ami,[4] vydával sedem bulvárnych novín a tri pánske časopisy. Viac ako jednu dekádu písal raz za týždeň stĺpček o jazdectve a jedenásť rokov prispieval mesačne stĺpčekom o čistokrvných kóliách, ktoré spoločne so ženou chovali a vystavovali na rôznych súťažiach. Jeho manželka Carol je tiež spisovateľkou, tak ako aj ich dcéra Laura, ktorá vyhrala cenu Johna W.Campbella pre najlepšieho nováčika v science fiction v roku 1993.[5]
- The Goddess of Ganymede (1967)
- Pursuit on Ganymede (1968)
- Redbeard (1969)
- Battlestar Galactica #5: Galactica Discovers Earth (with Glen Larson) (1980)
- The Soul Eater (1981)
- Birthright The Book of Man (1982)
- Walpurgis III (1982)
- Sideshow (1982)
- The Three-Legged Hootch Dancer (1983)
- The Wild Alien Tamer (1983)
- The Best Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger in the Whole Damned Galaxy (1983)
- The Branch (1984)
- Eros Ascending (1984)
- Eros at Zenith (1984)
- Eros Descending (1985)
- Adventures (1985)
- Eros at Nadir (1986)
- Santiago: Mýtus z Daleké Budoucnosti (Santiago: a Myth of the Far Future) (1986)
- Stalking the Unicorn (1987)
- The Dark Lady (1987)
- Ivory (1988)
- Paradise (1989)
- Second Contact (1990)
- The Red Tape War (with Jack L. Chalker & George Alec Effinger) (1991)
- Věštkyne (Soothsayer) (1991)
- Orákulum (Oracle) (1992)
- Lucifer Jones (1992)
- Purgatory (1992)
- Exploits (1993)
- Prorok (Prophet) (1993)
- Inferno (1993)
- A Miracle of Rare Design (1994)
- Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge (1994)
- Encounters (1994)
- Dog in the Manger (mystery) (1995)
- The Widowmaker (1996)
- The Widowmaker Reborn (1997)
- The Widowmaker Unleashed (1998)
- Kirinyaga (1998)
- A Hunger in the Soul (1998)
- The Outpost (2001)
- Návrat Santiaga (The Return of Santiago) (2003)
- Lara Croft: The Amulet of Power (2003)
- Lady With an Alien (2005)
- A Gathering of Widowmakers (2005)
- Dragon America (2005)
- Starship: Mutiny (2005)
- A Club in Montmartre (2006)
- Starship: Pirate (2006)
- World Behind the Door (2007)
- Starship: Mercenary (2007)
- Stalking the Vampire (2008)
- Kilimanjaro (2008)
- Starship: Rebel (2008)
- Hazards (2009)
- Stalking the Dragon (2009)
- Shaka II (2009)
- Starship: Flagship (2009)
- The Buntline Special (2010)
- The Gods of Sagittarius (with Eric Flint) (2012)
- The Cassandra Project (with Jack McDevitt) (2012)
- The Doctor and the Kid (2011)
- Unauthorized Autobiographies (1984)
- Through Darkest Resnick With Gun and Camera (1990)
- Stalking the Wild Resnick (1991)
- Pink Elephants and Hairy Toads (1991)
- The Alien Heart (1991)
- Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut Off the Sun? (1992)
- A Safari of the Mind (1995)
- Solo Flights Through Shared Worlds (1996)
- An Alien Land (1998)
- Magic Feathers: The Mike and Nick Show (with Nick DiChario) (2000)
- In Space No One Can Hear You Laugh
- Hunting the Snark and Other Stories (2002)
- With a Little Help From My Friends (2002)
- New Dreams for Old (2006)
- The Other Teddy Roosevelts (2008)
- Dreamwish Beasts and Snarks (2009)
- Blasphemy (2010)
- Masters of the Galaxy (2011)
- Shaggy B.E.M. Stories (1988)
- Alternate Presidents (1992)
- Alternate Kennedys (1992)
- Inside the Funhouse (1992)
- Aladdin: Master of the Lamp (with Martin H. Greenberg) (1992)
- Whatdunnits (1992)
- More Whatdunnits (1993)
- Alternate Warriors (1993)
- Future Earths: Under African Skies (with Gardner Dozois) (1993)
- Future Earths: Under South American Suns (with Gardner Dozois) (1993)
- Christmas Ghosts (1993)
- Dinosaur Fantastic (with Martin H. Greenberg) (1993)
- By Any Other Fame (1994)
- Deals With the Devil (with Loren D. Estleman) (1994)
- Alternate Outlaws (1994)
- Alternate Worldcons (1994)
- Witch Fantastic (1995)
- Sherlock Holmes in Orbit (1995)
- Again, Alternate Worldcons (1996)
- Girls for the Slime God (1997)
- Alternate Tyrants (1997)
- Alternate Skiffy (1997)
- Return of the Dinosaurs (1997)
- Women Writing Science Fiction as Men (2003)
- Men Writing Science Fiction as Women (2003)
- Stars (with Janis Ian) (2003)
- New Voices in Science Fiction (2003)
- I, Alien (2005)
- Down These Dark Spaceways (2005)
- This is My Funniest (2006)
- Space Cadets (2006)
- The Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches (with Joe Siclari) (2006)
- Alien Crimes (2007)
- Nebula Awards Showcase, 2007 (2007)
- This is My Funniest 2 (2007)
- History Revisited (with J. David Markham) (2008)
- The Dragon Done It (with Eric Flint) (2008)
- The Best of Jim Baen's Universe #2 (with Eric Flint) (2008)
- When Diplomacy Fails (with Eric Flint) (2008)
- “The Last Dog”
- “Blue”
- “Beachcomber”
- “Watching Marcia”
- “The Olympians”
- “Me and My Shadow”
- “The Fallen Angel”
- “God and Mr. Slatterman”
- “The Inn of the Hairy Toad”
- “Stalking the Unicorn with Gun and Camera”
- “The Toymaker and the General”
- “King of the Blue Planet”
- “Kirinyaga”
- “His Award-Winning Science Fiction Story”
- “Beibermann’s Soul”
- “Death is an Acquired Trait”
- “The Crack in the Cosmic Egg”
- “Inquiry Into the Auction of the U.S.A.”
- “For I Have Touched the Sky”
- “Slice of Life”
- “Balance”
- “Bwana”
- “Neutral Ground”
- “How I Wrote the New Testament, Brought Forth the Renaissance, and Birdied the 17th Hole at Pebble Beach"
- “Was It Good For You, Too?”
- “The Manamouki”
- “One Perfect Morning, With Jackals”
- “Frankie the Spook”
- “Posttime in Pink”
- “Museum Piece”
- “Origins”
- “The Nine Lives of Isaac Intrepid” (with Lou Tabakow)
- “Pawns”
- “Bully!”
- “Except from the Diary of Dr. Morris Finkelstein”
- “Song oof a Dry River”
- “Winter Solstice”
- “A Little Night Music”
- “Monsters of the Midway”
- “The Bull Moose at Bay”
- “Mrs. Hood Unloads”
- “Over There”
- “Revolt of the Sugar Plum Fairies”
- “Classified”
- “Malish”
- “Trading Up” (with Barbara Delaplace)
- “Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut off the Sun?”
- “Editor Meacham and the Fate Worse Than Death”
- “The Light That Blinds, the Claws That Catch”
- “The Lotus and the Spear”
- “The Pale Thin God”
- “Lady in Waiting”
- “The B Team”
- “Every Man a God” (with Barry N. Malzberg)
- “The Trials and Tribulations of Myron Blumberg, Dragon”
- “The Blue-Nosed Reindeer”
- “Mwalimu in the Squared Circle”
- “Ghosts” (with Barry N. Malzberg)
- “Stop Press”
- “Stanley the Eighteen-Percenter”
- “Genesis: The Rejected Canon”
- “The Summer of my Discontent”
- “Super Acorns” (with Lawrence Schimel)
- “The Tarnished Diamond”
- “Birdie” (with Nick DiChario)
- “Barnaby in Exile”
- “A Little Knowledge”
- “Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge”
- “Alien Radio” (with Nick DiChario)
- “Pleasantly Pink” (with Nick DiChario)
- “The Adventure of the Pearly Gates”
- “Working Stiff” (with Nick DiChario)
- “My Girl”
- “The Kemosabee”
- “Metamorphosis”
- “The Most Beautiful Girl Alive” (with Nick DiChario)
- “Squonking” (with Nick DiChario)
- “The Sweet, Sad Love Song of Fred and Wilma” (with Nick DiChario)
- “The Shiksa” (with Lawrence Schimel)
- “How Jerry Phipps Won His Hugo”
- “disILLUSIONS” (with Lawrence Schimel)
- “When the Old Gods Die”
- “The Land of Nod”
- “Darker Than You Wrote”
- “Merdinus” (with Linda Dunn)
- “Heart of Stone” (with Lyn Nichols)
- “Mrs. Vamberry Takes a Trip”
- “Bibi” (with Susan Shwartz)
- “The Joy of Hats” (with Nick DiChario)
- “The Starving Children of Mars” (with Louise Rowder)
- “The Roosevelt Dispatches”
- “Card Shark”
- “The Gefilte Fish Girl”
- “My Brother’s Keeper” (with Jack Nimbersheim)
- “A Limerick History of Science Fiction”
- “Of Flame and Air” (with Josepha Sherman)
- “The Arrows of Godly Passion” (with Nick DiChario)
- “Sagittarius Rising” (with Ann Marston)
- “The Fighting 35th Last Stand at the Delores Proud Apple School for the Blind” (with Nick DiChario)
- “Fascinatin’ Rhythm” (with Nick iChario)
- “The 43 Antarrean Dynasties”
- “Stan” (with Ron Collins)
- “Me and Galahad” (with Adrienne Gormley)
- “Interview with the Almighty”
- “A Buzzard Named Rabinowitz”
- “Hothouse Flowers”
- “Why Martians are Attracted to Big-Breasted Women”
- “Hunting the Snark”
- “Full Circle” (with Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
- “Boot Hill” (with Catherine Asaro)
- “The Elephants on Neptune”
- “Redchapel”
- “Even Butterflies Can Sting”
- “Ocean’s Eleven” (with Tom Gerencer)
- “Nicobar Lane: The Soul Eater’s Story”
- “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
- “Like Father, Like Son” (with B.J. Galler-Smith)
- “Like Small Feet Following” (with Robyn Herrington)
- “The Chinese Sandman”
- “Flower Children of Mars” (with M. Shayne Bell)
- “The Shackles of Freedom” (with Tobias S. Buckell)
- “The Demons of Jupiter’s Moons” (with Dean Wesley Smith)
- “Approaching Sixty” (with Barry Malzberg)
- “Water-Skiing Down the Styx” (with Janis Ian)
- “The Amorous Broom”
- “Reflections in Black Granite” (with Michael A. Burstein)
- “Dobchek: Lost in the Funhouse” (with Kay Kenyon)
- “Robots Don’t Cry”
- “The Burning Spear at Twilight”
- “Here’s Looking at You, Kid”
- “Unsafe at Any Speed”
- “Society’s Goy”
- “Swimming Upstream in the Wells of the Desert” (with Susan B. Matthews)
- “Travels With My Cats”
- “Me”
- “El Presidente”
- “Game Face” (with Robert Sheckley)
- “Keepsakes”
- “The Boy Who Cried ‘Dragon!’”
- “The Island of Annoyed Souls”
- “A Princess of Earth”
- “Cobbling Together a Solution”
- “Down Memory Lane”
- “Guardian Angel”
- “The One That Got Away”
- “A Muse with Burning Eyes” (with B. D. Faw)
- “Before the Beginning” (with Harry Turtledove)
- “Nowhere in Particular”
- “The God Biz”
- “The Hermit of thje Skies” (with Paul Crilley)
- “Two Hunters in Manhattan”
- “Prevenge” (with Kevin J. Anderson)
- “Catastrophe Baker and the Cold Equations”
- “Harry, Larry, Barry & Frankie”
- “Occupational Hazard”
- “Great Unrported Breakthroughs #163”
- “A Small Skirmish in the Culture War” (with James Patrick Kelly)
- “Solomon’s Choice” (with Nancy Kress)
- “Distant Replay”
- “Jellyfish” (with David Gerrold)
- “All the Things You Are”
- “The Big Guy”
- “Visitor’s Night at Joey Chicago’s”
- “Chartreuse Mansions”
- “A Locked-Planet Mystery”
- “The Long and Short of It”
- “Shell Game”
- “Honorable Enemies”
- “Monuments in Flesh and Stone”
- “The Lost Continent of Moo”
- “Alastair Baffle’s Emporium of Wonders”
- “Carnival Knowledge”
- “Sluggo”
- “The Last Actor” (with Linda Donahue)
- “Merry Bunta!”
- “The Hex is In”
- “A Jaguar Never Changes Its Stripes”
- “A Better Mousetrap”
- “Christmas Eve at Harvey Wallbanger’s”
- “A Very Special Girl”
- “A Most Unusual Greyhound”
- “Not Quite Alone in the Dream Quarter” (with Pat Cadigan)
- “Snatch as Snatch Can”
- “Kilimanjaro”
- “Best in Show”
- “Connoisseurs”
- “Spring Training”
- “Inescapable”
- “A Four-Sided Triangle”
- “The Forgotten Kingdom”
- “Mother Scorpion’s House of Fallen Flowers”
- “Idle Roomer” (with Lezli Robyn)
- “The Paternal Flame”
- “Catastrophe Baker and a Canticle for Leibowitz”
- “Article of Faith”
- “A Very Formal Affair”
- “Soulmates” (with Lezli Robyn)
- “If the Frame Fits…”
- “Benchwarmer” (with Lezli Robyn)
- “Shame” (with Lezli Robyn)
- “Shaka II”
- “On Safari”
- “The Bride of Frankenstein”
- “Heads and Tails in Paradise”
- “Harboring Pearls”
- “The Blimp and Sixpence”
- “Report from the Field” (with Lezli Robyn)
- "The Foundling"
- "Weekdays"
- "The Close Shave" (with Lezli Robyn)
- "Royal Bloodlines"
- "Observation Post"
- "The Incarceration of Captain Nebula"
- "King and Mrs. Kong"
- "El and Al vs. Himmler's Horrendous Hordes from Hell"
- "Six Blind Men and an Alien"
- "A Weighty Affair"
- "Dark Doings at the Field Museum of Natural Mystery"
- "The Second Civil War"
- obituary
- DAVIDSON, Steve. Mike Resnick [online]. 28 April 2013. Dostupné online.
- Resnick, Michael D(iamond) 1942- [online]. [Cit. 2011-11-03]. Dostupné online.
- How I Single-Handedly Destroyed the Sex Book Field for Five Years and Never Even Got a Thank-You Note from the Legion of Decency [online]. . Dostupné online.
- In Legend Born [online]. Publishers Weekly, [cit. 2018-12-09]. Dostupné online.
Externé odkazy
- Oficiálna stránka
- All of Mike Resnick's audio interviews on the podcast The Future And You (in which he describes his expectations of the future)
- Bibliography
- Mike Resnick Papers at the University of South Florida
- Interview
- Interview by Michael A. Ventrella, July 2009
- FantasyLiterature.com interviews Mike Resnick'
- Mike Resnick Posts'
Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku Mike Resnick na anglickej Wikipédii.