Giovanni Battista Belzoni
Giovanni Battista Belzoni (* 5. november 1778, Padova, Taliansko – † 3. december 1823, Gwato, Benin) bol taliansky cestovateľ, inžinier a amatérsky archeológ.
Giovanni Battista Belzoni | |||
![]() taliansky cestovateľ, inižinier a amatérsky archeológ | |||
Narodenie | 5. november 1778 Padova, Taliansko | ||
Úmrtie | 3. december 1823 (45 rokov) Gwato, Benin | ||
Odkazy | |||
Commons | ![]() | ||
Z poverenia britského generálneho konzula v Egypte Henryho Salta získaval a prevážal významné egyptské pamiatky do Britského múzea. Vykopávky v Karnaku, Gíze a na ďalších miestach boli robené necitlivým spôsobom. Objavil hrobky kráľa Sethiho I. v Údolí kráľov.
- Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, and Excavations, in Egypt and Nubia. London 1820. Online (Internet Archive):
- Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids temples, tombs and excavations in Egypt and Nubia and to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice, and another to the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Remy, Brüssel 1835. Online:
- Description of the Egyptian Tomb discovered by G. Belzoni, London 1821 .
- C. W. Ceram: Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte. Roman der Archäologie. Rowohlt, Hamburg 1952, S. 130–134.
- Colin Clair: Strong man egyptologist. Being the dramatized story of Giovanni Belzoni. Oldbourne, London 1957.
- Peter A. Clayton: Belzoni in the British Museum. In: Ancient. A review of antiquity to AD 1650. No. 6, Oct./Nov. 1987, S. 11–13 (Sonderabdruck: Agora, Brighton 1987).
- Maurice Willson Disher: Pharaoh's fool. Heinemann, London 1957.
- Brian M. Fagan: Abenteuer Archäologie. Bechtermünz, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-8289-0666-4, S. 46–54.
- Brian M. Fagan: Belzoni the Plunderer. In: Archaeology. 26, 1973, ISSN 0003-8113, S. 48–51.
- Dora Jane Hamblin: Behold the Amazing, the Spectacular, Giovanni Belzoni. In: Smithsonian. 19, 1988, ISSN 0037-7333, S. 80–88.
- Stanley Mayes: The great Belzoni. The circus strongman and explorer who recovered Egypt's finest treasures. Putnam, London 1959 (Neuausgabe: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, London u. a. 2003, ISBN 1-86064-877-0).
- Luigi Montobbio: Giovanni Battista Belzoni. La vita, i viaggi, le scoperte. Martello, Padua 1984.
- D. P. Ryan: A Portrait: Giovanni Battista Belzoni. In: Biblical Archaeology. 49, 1986, S. 133–138.
- Joyce Tyldesley: Mythos Ägypten. Reclam, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-15-010598-6, S. 85–105.
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