Ervin László
Ervin László (* 12. máj 1932, Budapešť, Maďarsko) je maďarský filozof, kybernetik, sytémový teoretik, futurológ a vizionár.
Ervin László | |||
maďarský filozof, kybernetik, sytémový teoretik, futurológ a vizionár. | |||
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Narodenie | 12. máj 1932 (87 rokov) Budapešť, Maďarsko | ||
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Futurologické a organizačné aktivity
Je členom Rímskeho klubu. Je spoluautorom správy Rímskemu klubu Ciele pre ľudstvo z roku 1977. V roku 1987 publikoval ďalšiu správu pre Rímsky klub pod názvom Evolúcia – nová syntéza. Je zakladateľom a vydavateľom časopisu World Futures - The Journal of General Evolution. V roku 1993 založil Budapešťianský klub - Club of Budapest, kde vykonáva funkciu prezidenta. Je vedeckým riaditeľom na University for Peace v Berlíne. Pôsobí v The General Evolution Research Group, ktorú spoluzaložil v roku 1984 v Budapešti. Vykonáva tu funkciu riaditeľa. V roku 2011 založil prvú svetovú univerzitu pre globálny posun nazvanú Giordano Bruno Globalshift University, ktorá bola oficiálne otvorená 9. septembra 2011. Publikoval viac ako 90 kníh a množstvo článkov a publikácií.
Ervin László vydal ako autor, spoluautor, editor alebo spolueditor knihy:
- Introduction to Systems Philosophy (1972)
- The System View of the World (1972)
- The World System. Models, Norms, Applications (editor) (1973)
- A Strategy for the Future. The System Approach to World Order (1974)
- Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome on the New Horizons of Global Community (1977)
- Goals in a Global Community. The Original Background Studies for the Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome. Volume 1. Studies on the Conceptual Foundations (1977)
- Goals in a Global Community. The Original Background Studies for the Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome. Volume 2. The International Values and Goals Studies (1977)
- The Inner Limits of Mankind. Heretical Reflections on Today´s Values, Culture and Politics (1978)
- Evolution - Die neue Synthese. Wege in die Zukunft (1987)
- Evolution. The Grand Synthesis (1987)
- The New Evolutionary Paradigm (editor) (1991)
- The Age of Bifurcation. Understanding the Changing World (1991)
- The Creative Cosmos. A Unified Science of Matter, Life, and Mind (1993)
- The Evolution of Cognitive Maps. New Paradigms for the Twenty-First Century (spolueditor) (1993)
- The Choice: Evolution or Extinction ? (1994)
- Vision 2020 (1994)
- The Interconnected Universe (1995)
- The Whispering Pond. A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science (1996)
- The Connectivity Hypothesis. Foundations of an Integral Science of Quantum, Cosmos, Life, and Consciousness (spoluautor) (2003)
- Macroshift. Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World (2001)
- The Consciousness Revolution (spoluautor)(2003)
- You Can Change The World. The Global Citizen´s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth (spoluautor) (2003)
- Changing Visions. Cognitive Maps - Past, Present, and Future (spoluator) (1996)
- Science and Akashic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything (2004)
- Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos. The Rise of the Integral Vision of Reality (2006)
- Chaos Point. The World at the Crossroads. Seven Years to Avoid Global Collapse and Promote Worldwidw Renewal (2006)
- CosMos. A Co-creator´s Guide to the Whole World (spoluautor) (2008)
- The Akashic Experience. Science and the Cosmic Memory Field (2009)
- World Shift 2012. Making Green Business, New Politics and Higher Consciousness Work Together (2009)
- Chaos Point. 2012 and Beyond. Our Choices Between Global Disaster and a Sustainable Planet. Appointment with Destiny (2010)
- Simply Genius and Other Tales from My Life. An informal autobiography by Ervin Laszlo scientist, pianist, global change activist (2011)
- Laszlo, Ervin (1974): A Strategy for the Future. The System Approach to World Order. George Braziller, Inc., New York, New York, ISBN 0-8076-0744-4, 240 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin et al. (1977): Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome On the New Horizons of Global Community. New American Library, Signet Hutchinson, ISBN 0525034552, ISBN 978-0525034551, 434 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin, Bierman, Judah (editors) (1977): Goals in a Global Community. The Original Background Studies for the Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome. Volume 1. Studies on the Conceptual Foundations. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, New York, ISBN 0080222218, 335 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin, Bierman, Judah (editors) (1977): Goals in a Global Community. The Original Background Studies for the Goals for Mankind. A Report to the Club of Rome. Volume 2. The International Values and Goals Studies. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, New York, ISBN 008229735, 553 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (1987): Evolution - Die neue Synthese. Wege in die Zukunft. The Club of Rome Information Series. Contribution to Understanding of the World Problematique. Vol. 3., Wien, Munchen, Zurich: Europaverlag, ISBN 3-203-50968-7, 224 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (1991): The New Evolutionary Paradigm. World Futures General Evolution Studies. Volume 2. Gordon & Breach Science Publishers Ltd., 978-2881243752, 204 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2000): Macroshift 2001 - 2010. Creating the Future in the Early 21st Century. With an Introduction by Arthur C. Clarke. toExcel, San Jose, New York, Lincoln, Shanghai, ISBN 9780595001101, 164 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2001): Macroshift. Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World. Foreword by Arthur C. Clarke. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California, ISBN 978-1576751633, 218 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2003): You Can Change The World. The Global Citizen´s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth. With an Introduction of Mikhail Gorbachev and a Contribution by Masami Saionji. SelectBooks, Inc., New York, New York, ISBN 978-1590790571, 144 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2004): Science and the Akhasic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, ISBN 978-1594770425, 224 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2006): The Chaos Point. The World at the Crossroads. Seven Years to Avoid Global Collapse and Promote Worldwidw Renewal. Foreword by Sir Arthur C. Clarke. Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., Charlottesville, Virginia, ISBN 1-57174-485-1, 176 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin(2008): Quantum Shift in the Global Brain. How the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and our World. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, ISBN 978-1594772337, 192 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2009): The Akashic Experience. Science and the Cosmic Memory Field. With contributions of Alex Grey, Stanislav Grof, Stanley Krippner, Swami Kriyananda, Edgar Mitchell and others. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, ISBN 978-1594772986, 288 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2009): World Shift 2012. Making Green Business, New Politics and Higher Consciousness Work Together. Foreword by Deepak Chopra and Mikhail Gorbachev. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, ISBN 978-1-59477-328-0, 144 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2010): Chaos Point. 2012 and Beyond. Our Choices Between Global Disaster and a Sustainable Planet. Appointment with Destiny. Foreword by Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hampton Roads Publishing Company, ISBN 978-1571746429, 208 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2011): Simply Genius and Other Tales from My Life. An informal autobiography by Ervin Laszlo scientist, pianist, global change activist. Foreword by Deepak Chopra. Hay House, Inc., ISBN 978-1401929589, 284 str.
Knihy v českom jazyku
- Laszlo, Ervin (2005): Věda a ákášické pole. Integrální teorie všeho. Pragma, Hodkovičky, ISBN 80-7205-216-0, 192 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin, Gorbačev, Michail,Coelho, Paulo, Saionji, Masami (2009): Můžeš změnit svět. Příručka světoobčana 21. století. Malvern, Praha, ISBN 978-80-86702-56-8, 120 str.
- Laszlo, Ervin (2011): Zkušenosti s Akašou. Nakladatelství Dialog, Liberec, ISBN 978-80-7424-029-4, 248 str.
- Grof, Stanislav, László, Ervin, Russell, Peter: Revoluce vědomí. Transatlantický dialog. Carpe Momentum, 2014, ISBN 978-80-905334-0-0, 160 str.