Anna-Maria Ravnopolská-Deanová
Anna-Maria Ravnopolská-Deanová (* 3. august 1960, Sofia, Bulharsko) je bulharská harfistka, skladateľka a hudobná pedagogička.
Anna-Maria Ravnopolská-Deanová | |||
![]() bulharská harfistka, skladateľka a hudobná pedgogička | |||
Narodenie | 3. august 1960 (59 rokov) Sofia, Bulharsko | ||
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Commons | ![]() | ||
Študovala hru na harfu u Liana Pasquali (na Konzervatóriu v Bukurešti) a Susann McDonald (na Vysokej škole múzických umení v Bloomingtone).
V roku 1992 debutovala ja sólistka v Carnegie Hall v New Yorku.
- Bulgarian Harp Favorites, Arpa d’oro, CD 2003
- Legende: French Music for Harp, Gega compact disc, 1999
- Harpist at the Opera (honoring the Donizetti bicentennial), Arpa d'oro CD, 1997
- Harps of the Americas (Paraguayan and pedal harps), Arpa d'oro CD, 1996
- Erich Schubert Pop Harp Festival, Gega CD, 1994
- A Harpist's Invitation to the Dance, Gega CD, 1992
- Improvisation for harp solo, 2003
- “The turtle’s castle” for harp solo, 2003
- Four compositions for harp on Haiku poetry, 2003
- Waltz and Lullaby for piano solo, 2003
- Rap Tango for harp and voice, 2003
- Suite of eight dances: Laendrer, Tango, Fandango, Horo,
Kazachok, Arabian dance, Pavane, 2004
- "Fantasy on Traviata”,2005
- Two haiku pieces on Basho,2006
- “The mystic trumpeter” on Walt Whitman, 2006
- Five haiku pieces “Solo Honkadorae Renga”, 2006
Personálna bibliografia
- Modeling orchestration on harp techniques in the works of Wagner, Smetana and Stravinski, “WHC Review”, to be published
- The Harp in the orchestral works of Bulgarian Composers (1900-1930)
"Music yesterday-today", 2002
- The Harp as a Coloristic Instrument in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century ("Арфата като колористичен инструмент в началото на ХХ век"), 200 pp., ISBN 954-90353-9-5, Music Society “Vassil Stefanov”, 2001
- The Harp as a Coloristic Instrument in the works of Claude Debussy,
“Musical Horizons”, vol. 7 - 8, 2001, 21- 25, 27 - 33.
- Transcriptions for solo harp, Sofia String Institute, 1995
- Regular contributor to the World Harp Congress Review, 1981- present
- Arrangements for solo harp: Granados, Valses Poeticos, Albeniz, Suita Espagnol, 1988
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