Zoznam častí seriálu Monk
Nasledujúci zoznam obshauje zoznam častí seriálu Monk. Seriál končí 8. sériou.
Prehľad sérií
Séria | Časti | Pôvodne vysielané | |||
Premiéra série ![]() |
Finále série ![]() |
Stanica ![]() | |||
1 | 13 | 12. júl 2002 | 18. október 2002 | USA Network | |
2 | 16 | 20. jún 2003 | 5. marec 2004 | ||
3 | 16 | 18. jún 2004 | 4. marec 2005 | ||
4 | 16 | 8. júl 2005 | 17. marec 2006 | ||
5 | 16 | 7. júl 2006 | 2. marec 2007 | ||
6 | 16 | 13. júl 2007 | 22. február 2008 | ||
7 | 16 | 18. júl 2008 | 20. február 2009 | ||
8 | 16 | 7. august 2009 | 4. december 2009 |
1. séria (2002)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
2 | 2 | Mr. Monk and the Candidate | Pán Monk a kandidát | |||
Mr. Monk and the Psychic | Pán Monk a jasnovidka | |||||
Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale | Pán Monk a Dale veľryba | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival | Pán Monk ide do lunaparku | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum | Pán Monk ide do ústavu | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger | Pán Monk a lupič miliardár | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Other Woman | Pán Monk a iná žena | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man | Pán Monk a maratónec | |||||
Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation | Pán Monk na dovolenke | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Earthquake | Pán Monk a zemetrasenie | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger | Pán Monk a červenovlasý cudzinec | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Airplane | Pán Monk a lietadlo |
2. séria (2003-2004)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk Goes Back to School | Pán Monk sa vracia do školy | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico | Pán Monk ide do Mexika | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Ballgame | Pán Monk ide na zápas | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus | Pán Monk ide do cirkusu | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Very Very Old Man | Pán Monk a prastarý muž | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Theater | Pán Monk ide do divadla | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect | Pán Monk a spiaci podozrivý | |||||
Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy | Pán Monk a playboy | |||||
Mr. Monk and the 12th Man | Pán Monk a dvanásty muž | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Paperboy | Pán Monk a kolportér | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Three Pies | Pán Monk a tri koláče | |||||
Mr. Monk and the TV Star | Pán Monk a televízna hviezda | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Missing Granny | Pán Monk a stratená babička | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife | Pán Monk a kapitánová manželka | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Married | Pán Monk a jeho manželka | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to Jail | Pán Monk ide do väzenia |
3. séria (2004-2005)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan | Pán Monk dobýva Manhattan | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Panic Room | Pán Monk a izba paniky | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Blackout | Pán Monk a výpadok prúdu | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Fired | Pán Monk má vyhadzov | |||||
Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather | Pán Monk spoznáva krstného otca | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf | Pán Monk a falošný poplach | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month | Pán Monk a zamestnanec mesiaca | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Game Show | Pán Monk a vedomostná súťaž | |||||
Mr. Monk takes his Medicine | Pán Monk užíva lieky | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Red Herring | Pán Monk a červená rybička | |||||
Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra | Pán Monk verzus Kobra | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever | Pán Monk a ponorková choroba | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Stuck in Traffic | Pán Monk uviazne v premávke | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to Vegas | Pán Monk ide do Vegas | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Election | Pán Monk a voľby | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Kid | Pán Monk a dieťa |
4. séria (2005-2006)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk and the Other Detective | Pán Monk a druhý detektív | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes Home Again | Pán Monk sa opäť vracia domov | |||||
Mr. Monk Stays in Bed | Pán Monk ochorel | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Office | Pán Monk ide do kancelárie | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Drunk | Pán Monk sa opije | |||||
Mr. Monk and Mrs. Monk | Pán Monk a pani Monková | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding | Pán Monk ide na svadbu | |||||
Mr. Monk and Little Monk | Pán Monk a malý Monk | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Secret Santa | Pán Monk a tajný Santa Klaus | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to a Fashion Show | Pán Monk ide na módnu prehliadku | |||||
Mr. Monk Bumps His Head | Pán Monk dostane po hlave | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Captain's Marriage | Pán Monk a kapitánovo manželstvo | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Big Reward | Pánk Monk a veľká odmena | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Astronaut | Pán Monk a astronaut | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Dentist | Pán Monk ide k zubárovi | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Jury Duty | Pán Monk je v porote |
5. séria (2006-2007)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk and the Actor | Pán Monk a herec | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Garbage Strike | Pán Monk a štrajk smetiarov | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Big Game | Pán Monk a veľký zápas | |||||
Mr. Monk Can't See a Thing | Pán Monk nič nevidí | |||||
Mr. Monk, Private Eye | Pán Monk, súkromné očko | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion | Pán Monk a triedna stretávka | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink | Pán Monk má nového lekára | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to a Rock Concert | Pán Monk ide na rockový koncert | |||||
Mr. Monk Meets His Dad | Pán Monk sa stretne s otcom | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Leper | Pán Monk a muž s leprou | |||||
Mr. Monk Makes a Friend | Pán Monk si nachádza priateľa | |||||
Mr. Monk Is at Your Service | Pán Monk, k vašim službám | |||||
Mr. Monk Is on the Air | Pán Monk je v éteri | |||||
Mr. Monk Visits a Farm | Pán Monk na návšteve farmy | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Really, Really Dead Guy | Pán Monk a mŕtva mŕtvola muža | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Hospital | Pán Monk ide do nemocnice |
6. séria (2007-2008)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk and His Biggest Fan | Pán Monk a jeho najväčšia fanúšička | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Rapper | Pán Monk a raper | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Naked Man | Pán Monk a nudista | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Bad Girlfriend | Pán Monk a zlá priateľka | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Birds and the Bees | Pán Monk a vtáky a včely | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Buried Treasure | Pán Monk a zakopaný poklad | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Daredevil | Pán Monk a odvážlivec | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Wrong Man | Pán Monk a nesprávny človek | |||||
Mr. Monk Is Up All Night | Pán Monk je hore celú noc | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa | Pán Monk a muž, ktorý postrelil St. Clausa | |||||
Mr. Monk Joins a Cult | Pán Monk vstupuje do sekty | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to the Bank | Pán Monk ide do banky | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Three Julies | Pán Monk a tri Júlie | |||||
Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece | Pán Monk a jeho majstrovské dielo | |||||
Mr. Monk Is on the Run (Part 1) | Pán Monk na úteku, časť 1. | |||||
Mr. Monk Is on the Run (Part 2) | Pán Monk na úteku, časť 2. |
7. séria (2008-2009)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk Buys a House | Pán Monk kupuje dom | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Genius | Pán Monk a génius | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Lotto Fever | Pán Monk a lotériová horúčka | |||||
Mr. Monk Takes a Punch | Pán Monk ide do ringu | |||||
Mr. Monk Is Underwater | Pán Monk v ponorke | |||||
Mr. Monk Falls in Love | Pán Monk sa zamiluje | |||||
Mr. Monk's 100th Case | Stý prípad pána Monka | |||||
Mr. Monk Gets Hypnotized | Zhypnotizovaný pán Monk | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Miracle | Pán Monk a zázrak | |||||
Mr. Monk's Other Brother | Druhý brat pána Monka | |||||
Mr. Monk on Wheels | Pán Monk na vozíčku | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Lady Next Door | Pán Monk a pani od vedľa | |||||
Mr. Monk Makes the Playoffs | Pán Monk ide na futbal | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Bully | Pán Monk a bitkár | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Magician | Pán Monk a kúzelník | |||||
Mr. Monk Fights City Hall | Pán Monk bojuje s radnicou |
8. séria (2009)
№ | # | Názov![]() |
Názov![]() |
Réžia | Scenár | Premiéra![]() |
Mr. Monk's Favorite Show | Obľúbený seriál pána Monka | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Foreign Man | Pán Monk a cudzinec | |||||
Mr. Monk and the UFO | Pán Monk a UFO | |||||
Mr. Monk Is Someone Else | Pán Monk je niekto iný | |||||
Mr. Monk Takes the Stand | Pán Monk svedčí | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Critic | Pán Monk a kritik | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse | Pán Monk a voodoo | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy | Pán Monk ide na skupinovú terapiu | |||||
Happy Birthday, Mr. Monk | Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám, Pán Monk | |||||
Mr. Monk and Sharona | Pán Monk a Sharona | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Dog | Pán Monk a pes | |||||
Mr. Monk Goes Camping | Pán Monk ide kempovať | |||||
Mr. Monk Is the Best Man | Pán Monk je ženíchov svedok | |||||
Mr. Monk and the Badge | Pán Monk a policajný odznak | |||||
Mr. Monk and the End (Part 1) | Pán Monk končí, 1. časť | |||||
Mr. Monk and the End (Part 2) | Pán Monk končí, 2. časť |
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