Theodore Gordon

Theodore Jay Gordon je americký futurológ a prognostik.


Pôsobil v RAND Corporation. Je zakladateľ The Futures Group v Glastonbury v štáte Connecticut v USA. Je spoluautorom metódy Delphi - Delphi Method. Je vedúcim výskumníkom AC/UNU Millennium Project. Je spoluautor každoročne vydávanej správy State of the Future.


  • Je autorom kníh a publikácií
  • Report on a Long-Term Forecasting Study (1964)
  • The Future (1965)
  • National Programs and the Progress of Technological Societies (spoluautor) (1968)
  • A Study of Potential Changes in Employee Benefites. 3 volumes (1969)
  • Research on Cross-Impact Techniques and Selected Problems in Economics, Political Science and Technology (spoluautor) (1970)
  • Life Extending Technologies (editor) (1979)
  • 1998 State of the Future. Issues and Opportunities (1998)
  • Defining Environmental Security: Implications for the U.S. Army (1998)
  • 1999 State of the Future. Challenges We Face at the Millennium (1999)
  • Factors Required for Successful Implementation of Futures Research in Decision Making (1999)
  • State of the Future at the Millennium (2000)
  • Global Challenges for Humanity (2000)
  • 2001 State of the Future (2001)
  • 2002 State of the Future (2002)
  • 2003 State of the Future (2003)
  • Future Research Methodology Version 2.0 (spolueditor) (2003)
  • 2004 State of the Future (2004)
  • 2005 State of the Future (2005)
  • 2006 State of the Future (2006)



Gordon, Theodore J.: The Future. St. Martin´s Press, New York 1965


  • Gordon, Theodore J., Helmer, Olaf: Report on a Long-Range Forecasting Study. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California 1964
  • Gordon, Theodore J., Rochberg, Richard, Enzer, Selwyn: Research on Cross-Impact Techniques with Selected Problems in Economics, Political Science and Technology Assessment. Institute for the Future, Menlo Park, California 1970
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 1997 State of the Future. Implications for Action Today. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1997
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 1998 State of the Future. Issues and Opportunities. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1998
  • Glenn, Jerome, C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 1999 State of the Future. Challenges We Face at the Millennium. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: State of the Future at the Millennium. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2000
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: Global Challenges for Humanity. UN Millenium Summit and Forum 2000 - Special Edition. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2000
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2001 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2001
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2002 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2002
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2003 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2003
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2004 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2004
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2005 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2005
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: 2006 State of the Future. American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 2006
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J., Perelet, Renat: Defining Environmental Security: Implications for the U.S. Army. Army Environmental Policy Institute, Atlanta, GA 1998
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: Factors Required for Succesful Implementation of Futures Research in Decision Making. Army Environmental Policy Institute, Atlanta, GA 1999

Kapitoly v knihách

  • Gordon, Theodore J., Stover, John G.: Cross-Impact Analysis. In: Fowles, Jib (editor): Handbook of Futures Research. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, London, England 1978
  • Gordon, Theodore Jay: Cross-Impact Method. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Gordon, Theodore Jay: The Delphi Method. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: Environmental Scanning. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Gordon, Theodore J.: Trend Impact Analysis. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Gordon, Theodore J.: Technology Sequence Analysis. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999
  • Gordon, Theodore J.: State of the Future Index (SOFI): A Method for Improving Decision Making that Affects the Future. Didsbury, Jr., Howard F. (editor): 21st Century Opportunities and Challenges. An Age of Destruction or an Age of Transformation. World Future Society, Bethesda, Maryland 2003
  • Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore J.: Environmental Scanning. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999

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