Peter Thomas Geach
Peter Thomas Geach (* 29. marec 1916, Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 21. december 2013) bol britský filozof, predstaviteľ lingvistickej filozofie[1].
Peter Thomas Geach | |||
britský filozof | |||
Narodenie | 29. marec 1916 Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo | ||
Úmrtie | 21. december 2013 (97 rokov) | ||
V roku 1965 bol zvolený za člena British Academy (FBA)[2].
Dielo (výber)
- "Good and Evil," Analysis (1956)
- Mental Acts: Their Content and Their Objects, 1957/1997
- Three Philosophers: Aristotle; Aquinas; Frege (s G.E.M. Anscombe), 1961
- Reference and Generality: An Examination of Some Medieval and Modern Theories, 1962
- God and the Soul, 1969/2001
- Logic Matters, 1972
- Reason and Argument, 1976
- "Saying and Showing in Frege and Wittgenstein," Acta Philosophica Fennica 28 (1976): 54–70
- Truth, Love, and Immortality: An Introduction to McTaggart's Philosophy, 1979
- Logic and Ethics, 1990
- Truth and Hope: The Furst Franz Josef und Furstin Gina Lectures Delivered at the International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Liechtenstein, 1998 (ISBN 0-268-04215-2)
- Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog: In Memoriam: Peter Geach (1916-2013) [online]., [cit. 2013-12-23]. Dostupné online.
- British Academy, List of Fellows
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