Madeline Zimová
Madeline Rose Zimová (angl. Madeline Rose Zima; * 16. september 1985, New Haven, Connecticut, USA) je americká herečka. Medzi jej najznámejšie úlohy patrí postava malej Grace Sheffieldovej v televíznom seriáli Pestúnka Fran, Mia Cross v seriáli Californication či Gretchen v seriáli Hrdinovia
Madeline Rose Zimová | |||
americká herečka | |||
Narodenie | 16. september 1985 (34 rokov) New Haven, Connecticut, USA | ||
Žije v Los Angeles so svojimi sestrami Vanessou a Yvonne.
Ocenenia a nominácie
Trikrát bola nominovaná na cenu YoungStar Award, a to v rokoch 1995, 1997 a 1999. Všetky tieto nominácie získala v kategórii najlepšia mladá herečka za komediálny seriál Pestúnka Fran (1993).
Bola tiež trinásťkrát nominovaná na cenu Young Artist Awards:
- 1993 - Best Young Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture za The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992)
- 1994 - Best Youth Actress Leading Role in a Motion Picture Comedy a Outstanding Youth Ensemble in a Television Series spoločne s Benjaminom Salisburym a Nicholl Tomovou za Pestúnku Fran (1993)
- 1995 - Best Performance by a Youth Actress as a TV Guest Star za Zákon a poriadok (1990) a Best Performance by a Youth Ensemble in a Television Series spoločne s Benjaminom Salisburym a Nicholl Tomovou, Best Performance by an Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture a Best Performance by an Actress Under Ten in a TV Series, všetko za Pestúnku Fran (1993)
- 1996 - Best Performance by a Young Actress in a TV Comedy Series za Pestúnku Fran (1993)
- 1998 - Best Performance in a TV Comedy Series by a Supporting Young Actress za Pestúnku Fran (1993)
- 2001 - Best Performance in a TV Movie (Drama) by a Leading Young Actress for The Sandy Bot
- 1992: The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
- 1993: Mr. Nanny
- 1993: The Last Supper
- 1993: Zákon a poriadok TV
- 1993–1999: Pestúnka Fran TVS
- 1996: JAG TV
- 1997: Touched by an Angel TV
- 1997: Til There Was You
- 1998: The Rose Sisters
- 1998: Second Chances
- 1999: The Secret Path TV
- 1999: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
- 1999: Lethal Vows TV
- 2000: The Sandy Bottom Orchestra TV
- 2001: The Big Leaf Tobacco Company
- 2001: The Nightmare Room TV
- 2001: Ženy z rodu Gilmorovcov TV
- 2003: Lucy TV
- 2003: V siedmom nebi TV
- 2004: Strong Medicine TV
- 2004: A Cinderella Story
- 2006: Looking for Sunday
- 2006: 3 lbs. TV
- 2007: Ghost Whisperer TV
- 2007: Klinika Grace TV
- 2007–2009: Californication TVS
- 2008: Legacy
- 2008: Dimples
- 2008: Streak
- 2008: 5 or Die TV
- 2009: The Collector
- 2009–2010: Hrdinovia TVS
- 2010: My Boys TV
- 2010: My Own Love Song
- 2010: The Family Tree
- 2010: First Dates
Externé odkazy
- Madeline Zima v Česko-Slovenskej filmovej databáze
- Madeline Zima v Internet Movie Database (po anglicky)
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