Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber (* 31. január 1949, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA) je americký integrálny filozof, psychológ a vizionár. V začiatkoch svojej kariéry sa zviditeľnil v oblasti transpersonálnej psychológie, neskôr sa preslávil predovšetkým vytvorením integrálnej teórie - teórie, ktorá spája mnohé domény života a sveta do jedného funkčného celku.
Ken Wilber | |||
americký psychológ a vizionár | |||
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Narodenie | 31. január 1949 (70 rokov) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA | ||
Známy vďaka | Integrálna teória | ||
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Commons | ![]() | ||
Zaoberá sa integrálnou filozofiou, integrálnym myslením a presadzuje integrálne prístupy. Zaoberá sa spiritualitou. Vytvoril koncept All Quadrants All Levels (Všetky kvadranty, Všetky úrovne). Tento koncept je nástrojom umožňujúcim integrálne a holistické chápanie a vnímanie sveta. Na základe tohoto konceptu americkí futurológovia Don Beck a Chris Cowan vytvorili koncept evolúcie ľudskej spoločnosti nazvaný špirálovitá dynamika (Spiral Dynamics). Žije v štáte Colorado v USA.
Je autorom a spoluautorom kníh:
- The Spectrum of Consciousness (1977)
- No Boundery. Eastern and Western Aopproaches to Personal Growth (1979) (1981)
- The Atman Project. A Transpersonal View of Human Development (1980)
- Up from Eden. A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution (1981)
- A Sociable God. A Brief Introduction to a Transcendental Sociology (1982)
- Eye to Eye. The Quest for the New Paradigm (1982), (1990)
- The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes. Exploring the Leading Edge of Science (editor) (1982)
- Quantum Questions. Mystical Writings of the World´s Great Physicist (editor) (1984)
- Transformations of Consciousness. Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (spoluautor) (1986)
- Spiritual Choices. The Problem of Recognizing Authentic Paths to Inner Transformation (spolueditor) (1987)
- Grace and Grit. Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber (1991)
- Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution (1995)
- A Brief History of Everything (1996)
- The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad (1997)
- The Essential Ken Wilber: An Introductory Reader (1998)
- The Marriage of Sense and Soul. Integrating Science and Religion (1998)
- One Taste. Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality (1999)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume I. (The Spectrum of Consciousness / No Boundary / Selected Essays) (1999)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume II. (The Atman Project / Up from Eden) (1999)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume III. (A Sociable God / Eye to Eye) (1999)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume IV. (Transformations of Consciousness / Integral Psychology / Selected Essays) (1999)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume V. (Grace and Grit) (2000)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume VI. (Sex, Ecology, Spirituality) (2000)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume VII. ( A Brief History of Everything / The Eye of Spirit) (2000)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume VIII. (The Marriage of Sense and Soul / One Taste) (2000)
- A Theory of Everything. An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science, and Spirituality (2000)
- Integral Psychology. Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy (2000)
- Boomeritis. A Novel That Will Set You Free! (2002)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume IX. (Boomerities / Sidebars / Endnotes) (2004)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume X. (A Theory of Everything / Essays / Interviews / Forewords) (2004)
- The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Volume XI. (Kosmic Karma and Creativity) (2004)
- Kosmic Consciousness (12½ hour audio interview on ten CDs), 2003, ISBN 1-59179-124-3
- The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual, and Poetic Writings, 2004, ISBN 1-59030-151-X (selected from earlier works)
- The Integral Operating System (69 stranový primer, DVD, 2 audio CDs), 2005, ISBN 1-59179-347-5
- Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, 2006, ISBN 1-59030-346-6
- The One Two Three of God (3 CDs – interview, 4th CD – guided meditation; companion to Integral Spirituality), 2006, ISBN 1-59179-531-1
- Integral Life Practice Starter Kit (5 DVDs, 2 CDs, 3 booklets), 2006, ISBN 0-9772275-0-2
- The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction to the Revolutionary Integral Approach to Life, God, the Universe, and Everything, 2007, ISBN 1-59030-475-6
- Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, 2008, ISBN 1-59030-467-5
- The Pocket Ken Wilber, 2008, ISBN 1-59030-637-6
- The Integral Approach: A Short Introduction by Ken Wilber, eBook, 2013, ISBN 9780834829060
- The Fourth Turning: Imagining the Evolution of an Integral Buddhism, eBook, 2014, ISBN 9780834829572
- Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life, 2016, ISBN 9781611802986
- The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision For The Future of the Great Traditions, 2017, ISBN 978-1-61180-300-6
- Trump and a Post-Truth World, 2017, ISBN 9781611805611
- Integral Buddhism: And the Future of Spirituality, 2018, ISBN 1611805600
- Integral Politics: Its Essential Ingredients , eBook, 2018
Preklady do slovenčiny
- Kvantové otázky, vydal Inštitút Gaia, 2019, ISBN 9788097328108
Preklady do češtiny
- Stručná historie všeho, 2010
- Odevzdání a odhodlání: Spiritualita a léčení v životě a smrti Treyi Killam Wilberové, 2014
Pozri aj
- Integrálna teória
- Transpersonálna psychológia
- Vývojová psychológia
Externé odkazy
- Oficiálna stránka (Je potrebný Adobe Flash Player)