Joseph Coates

Joseph F. Coates (* 1929) je americký prognostik a futurológ.


Pôsobil ako prezident Coates and Jarrat, Inc. - think tanku a futurologickej konzultačnej a výskumnej firmy zaoberajúcej sa trendmi a kľúčovými faktormi vytvárajúcimi budúcnosť. Vedie poradenskú firmu Joseph Coates Consulting Futurist, Inc. vo Washingtone DC v USA.


Je autorom a spoluautorom kníh

  • Issues Management. How You Can Plan, Organize and Manage for the Future (spoluautor) (1986)
  • What Futurist Believe (spoluautor) (1989)
  • Future Work. Seven Critical Forces Reshaping Work and Work Force in North America (spoluautor) (1990)
  • The Future. Trends into the Twenty-First Century (spoluautor) (1992)
  • 2025: Scenarios of US and Global Society Reshaped by Science and Technology (spoluautor) (1997)



Coates, Joseph F., Jarrat, Jennifer: What Futurists Believe. World Future Society, Bethesda, Maryland 1990

Coates, Joseph, Mahaffic, John, B., Hines, Andy: 2025. Scenarios of US and Global Society Reshaped By Science and Technology. Coates and Jarratt, Inc., Oakhill Press, Greensboro 1997

Kapitoly v knihách

Coates, Joseph F.: Technology Assessment. In: Fowles, Jib (editor): Handbook of Futures Research. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, London, England 1978

Coates, Joseph F.: Normative Forecasting. In: Glenn, Jerome C. (editor): Futures Research Methodology. Version 1.0. The Millennium Project Of American Council for the United Nations University, Washington, D.C. 1999

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