Hazel Hendersonová

Hazel Hendersonová (* 1933, Bristol) je americká futurologička a ekonómka.


Je profesorkou ekonómie. Zaoberá sa posunom paradigiem v ekonómii. Prednáša na Schumacher College. Je konzultantkou pre udržateľný rozvoj vo viac ako tridsiatich štátoch. Je členkou predstavenstva Worldwatch Institute. Je autorkou viacerých kníh a spoluautorka a spolueditorka prvej správy Globálnej komisie pre financovanie OSN - Global Commission to Fund the United Nations. V roku 1996 * vytvorila novú skupinu indikátorov Country Futures Indicators. Tieto indikátory boli neskôr vylepšené a pomenované ako Calvert-Hendersonovej indikátory kvality života - Calvert-Henderson Quality-of-Life Indicators. Žije v St.Augustine v štáte Florida v USA.


Je autorkou a spoluautorkou kníh a publikácií

  • Creating Alternative Futures. The End of Economics (1978)
  • Politics of Solar Age. Alternatives to Economics (1981)
  • Paradigms in Progress. Life Beyond Economics (1991)
  • The United Nations. Policy and Financing Alternatives (1995)
  • Building a Win-Win World. Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare (1996)
  • Beyond Globalization. Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy (1999)
  • Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators. A New Tool for Assessing National Trends (spoluautor) (2000)


  • Henderson, Hazel: Creating Alternative Futures. The End of Economics. Foreword by E.F.Schumacher. New Foreword by Elise Boulding. Kumarian Press, New York 1996 (1978)
  • Henderson, Hazel: The Politics of the Solar Age. Alternatives to Economics. Dobleday, Anchor, New York 1981
  • Henderson, Hazel: Paradigms in Progress. Life Beyond Economics. Knowledge Systems, Inc., Indianopolis 1991
  • Cleveland, Harlan, Henderson, Hazel, Kaul, Inge (editors): The United Nations: Policy and Financing Alternatives. Innovative Proposals by Visionary Leaders. The First Report of the Global Commission to Fund the United Nations. The Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, Washington, D.C. 1995
  • Henderson, Hazel: Building a Win-Win World. Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco 1996
  • Henderson, Hazel: Beyond Globalization. Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy. Kumarian Press Inc., West Hartford, Connecticut 1999
  • Henderson, Hazel, Lickerman, Jon, Flynn, Patricie (editors): Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators. A New Tool for Assesssing National Trends. Calvert Group, Ltd., Bethesda, Maryland 2000
  • Henderson, Hazel, Ikeda, Daisaku: Planetary Citizenship. Your Values, Beliefs, and Actions Can Shape a Sustainable World. Middleway Press, 2004

Knihy v českom jazyku

  • Hendersonová, Hazel: Za horizontem globalizace. Utváření udržitelné globální ekonomiky. DharmaGaia, Praha 2001

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