Edward Cornish

Edward Seymour Cornish (* 1927) je americký futurológ a publicista.


Edward Cornish je zakladateľom World Future Society WFS. WFS založil v roku 1966 vo Washingtone DC v USA. Vykonával funkciu prezidenta WFS. Je zakladateľom a editorom časopisu The Futurist. Zaoberá sa metodológiou prognózovania a futurológie. Zaoberá sa tiež históriou futurologického myslenia.


Napísal a vydal knihy a publikácie Resource Directory for America´s Third Century. Part 1. An Introduction to the Study of the Future (1977), Resource Directory for America´s Third Century. Part 2. Information Sources for the Study of the Future (1977), The Study of the Future. An Introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow´s World (1977), 1999: The World of Tomorrow: Selections from The Futurist (editor) (1978), The Great Transformation. Alternative Futures for a Global Society (editor) (1983), Global Solutions. Innovative Approaches to World Problems (1984), Habitats Tomorrow. Homes and Communities in an Exciting New Era (editor) (1984), The Computerized Society. Living and Working in an Electronic Age (editor) (1985), Communications Tomorrow. The Coming of the Information Society (editor) (1982), The 1990s and Beyond (editor) (1990), The Cyber Future. 93 ways our lives will change by the year 2025 (1999), Exploring Your Future. Living, Learning, and Working in the Information Age (editor) (2000), The Opportunity Century. 50 Paths to Success in the 21st Century (spoluautor) (2000), Futuring. The Exploration of the Future (2004).



Cornish, Edward (editor): Exploring Your Future. Living, Learning, and Working in the Information Age. World Future Society, Bethesda, Maryland 2000

Cornish, Edward: Futuring. The Exploration of the Future. World Future Society, Bethesda 2004


Cornish, Edward: The Cyber Future. 93 ways our lives will change by the year 2025. World Future Society, Bethesda, Maryland 1999


Cornish, Edward: The Wild Cards in Our Future. The Futurist. A magazine of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future. July – August 2003, Volume 37, No. 4

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